Patriot Pet Poop Cleaning Services provides residential and commercial conveniences which includes: Yards, Parks, Festivals, Sanitizing, Apartments & Pet Waste Stations with installation and maintenance. We can tailor your cleaning needs to fit your lifestyle. Patriot Pet Poop Cleaning Services are utilized throughout Denton County.

Patriot Pet Cleaning Services scoops the waste while pet owners enjoy spending time with their furry friends. Customers discover that professional pet waste removal helps free up their time to do more important things in life. Customers find that waste cleaning helps to keep all the hazardous bacteria and smells from animal waste away from their homes or businesses.

Patriot Pet Cleaning Services donates part of its yearly proceeds to a Denton County non-profit Veterans Organization. (Armed Forces Sportsmens Association) We believe that Veterans should be able to participate in the lifestyle that so many had to give up to provide security for our country. If you would also like to donate (tax deductible), we will provide you with all the necessary information. We thank you and all of our Veterans.